Results for 'S. Ilker Birbil'

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  1.  17
    Co-designing algorithms for governance: Ensuring responsible and accountable algorithmic management of refugee camp supplies.Mark van Embden Andres, S. Ilker Birbil, Paul Koot & Rianne Dekker - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (1).
    There is increasing criticism on the use of big data and algorithms in public governance. Studies revealed that algorithms may reinforce existing biases and defy scrutiny by public officials using them and citizens subject to algorithmic decisions and services. In response, scholars have called for more algorithmic transparency and regulation. These are useful, but ex post solutions in which the development of algorithms remains a rather autonomous process. This paper argues that co-design of algorithms with relevant stakeholders from government and (...)
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    Müneccimbaşı Ahmed Dede’s Thoughts on Ethics: Synthesizing Peripatetic Philosophy and Sufi Thought in Ishrāqī Wisdom.İlker Kömbe - 2021 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 7 (2):159-186.
    This article analyzes the chapter on ethics from Müneccimbaşı Ahmed Dede’s (d.1702) commentary Sharḥ al-Akhlāq al-‘Aḍuḍ, a practical philosophy of ethics, household management, and politics. Müneccimbaşı lived from the mid-17th to the beginning of the 18 th century in the Ottoman period. Firstly, considering the period in which Müneccimbaşı’s commentary was written, it can be seen as a renewal and adjustment of the old tradition in terms of moral/practical philosophy. However, in the context of philosophical ethics, the commentary aimed to (...)
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    An Exploratory Cross-Cultural Analysis of Marketing Ethics: The Case of Turkish, Thai, and American Businesspeople.Sebnem Burnaz, M. G. Serap Atakan, Y. Ilker Topcu & Anusorn Singhapakdi - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S3):371-382.
    This study compares the ethical decision-making processes of Turkish, Thai, and American businesspeople, considering perceived moral intensity (PMI), corporate ethical values (CEV), and perceived importance of ethics (PIE). PMI describes the ethical decision making at the individual level, CEV assesses the influences of the organization’s ethical culture on the decisions of the individual, and PIE reveals what the businesspeople believe about the relationships among business, ethics, and long-run profitability. The survey respondents are professional marketers and businesspeople currently enrolled in or (...)
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  4. The Effects of Corporate Ethical Values and Personal Moral Philosophies on Ethical Intentions in Selling Situations: Evidence from Turkish, Thai, and American Businesspeople. [REVIEW]Janet Marta, Anusorn Singhapakdi, Dong-Jin Lee, Sebnem Burnaz, Y. Ilker Topcu, M. G. Serap Atakan & Tugrul Ozkaracalar - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 106 (2):229-241.
    The goals of this study are to test a pattern of ethical decision making that predicts ethical intentions of individuals within corporations based primarily on the ethical values embedded in corporate culture, and to see whether that model is generally stable across countries. The survey instrument used scales to measure the effects of corporate ethical values, idealism, and relativism on ethical intentions of Turkish, Thai, and American businesspeople. The samples include practitioner members of the American Marketing Association in the U.S., (...)
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    Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Dr. Gürer GÜLSEVİN and Prof. Dr. Ayşe İLKER’s Impressions About Him.Özgür Ay - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6.
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    Transfer of object category knowledge across visual and haptic modalities: Experimental and computational studies.Ilker Yildirim & Robert A. Jacobs - 2013 - Cognition 126 (2):135-148.
  7. A Rational Analysis of the Acquisition of Multisensory Representations.Ilker Yildirim & Robert A. Jacobs - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (2):305-332.
    How do people learn multisensory, or amodal, representations, and what consequences do these representations have for perceptual performance? We address this question by performing a rational analysis of the problem of learning multisensory representations. This analysis makes use of a Bayesian nonparametric model that acquires latent multisensory features that optimally explain the unisensory features arising in individual sensory modalities. The model qualitatively accounts for several important aspects of multisensory perception: (a) it integrates information from multiple sensory sources in such a (...)
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    XVI. Yüzyıl Çerkeş Kazası Köylerinin Lok.İlker YİĞİT - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 6):825-852.
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    XVI. Yüzyıl Türkiyesi'nde Ahi Adlı Zaviy.İlker YİĞİT - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 5):959-973.
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  10. Workshop on Dynamic Process Management (DPM 2006)-Business Rules Segregation for Dynamic Process Management with an Aspect-Oriented Framework.Semih Cetin, N. Ilker Altintas & Remzi Solmaz - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4103--193.
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    Have ethical perceptions changed? A comparative study on the ethical perceptions of turkish faculty members.Y. Ilker Topcu - 2010 - Journal of Academic Ethics 8 (2):137-151.
    This study presents a comparative investigation of ethical perceptions of the faculty members, working in selected departments of Turkish universities. A descriptive research design is used in order to reveal the perceptions regarding the ethical dilemmas related to instruction, research, and outside employment activities in both 2003 and 2008. The set of activities that are considered unethical by faculty members, as well as the occurrence of potential ethical dilemmas are identified on a comparative basis. According to the findings of the (...)
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    Hybrid models for achieving and maintaining cooperative symbiotic groups.İlker Yıldırım & Pınar Yolum - 2009 - Mind and Society 8 (2):243-258.
    Societies are composed of groups that interact. Symbiotic groups are those in which agents complement each other in resources that they have in excess. Symbiotic groups are useful especially when the resources in an environment are distributed unevenly, because they enable agents to trade resources easily. However, for trading to happen successfully, agents in symbiotic groups need to cooperate, i.e., they should be willing to donate resources when appropriate. Similarly, if some agents in a symbiotic group are defectors, they should (...)
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    (1 other version)An empirical investigation of the ethical perceptions of future managers with a special emphasis on gender – turkish case.M. G. Serap Atakan, Sebnem Burnaz & Y. Ilker Topcu - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (3):573 - 586.
    This study presents an empirical investigation of the ethical perceptions of the future managers - Turkish university students majoring in the Business Administration and Industrial Engineering departments of selected public and private Turkish universities - with a special emphasis on gender. The perceptions of the university students pertaining to the business world, the behaviors of employees, and the factors leading to unethical behavior are analyzed. The statistically significant differences reveal that female students have more ethical perceptions about the Turkish business (...)
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    Intellectual Networks in Tīmūrid Iran: Sharaf al-Dīn ʿAlī Yazdī and the Islamicate Republic of Letters By İlker Evrim Binbaş.A. Azfar Moin - 2020 - Journal of Islamic Studies 31 (3):410-413.
    Intellectual Networks in Tīmūrid Iran: Sharaf al-Dīn ʿAlī Yazdī and the Islamicate Republic of Letters By Binbaşİlker Evrim, xviii + 340 pp. Price PB £29.99. EAN 978–1107689336.
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    Back to princeton: rereading rorty. [REVIEW]И.Д Джохадзе - 2016 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 47 (1):226-231.
    The fifth volume of Richard Rorty's "Philosophical papers" published by Cambridge University Press, consists of the works which American philosopher wrote at the very dawn of his career in 1960s and early 1970s. In these essays Rorty addresses issues of transcendental argumentation, the internalism/externalism controversy, mind-body dualism and psychophysical monism, semantic truth, reference and justification. Supplemented by Daniel Dennett's Foreword, the book gives an excellent idea of Rorty's «analytical» writings and his evolution from eliminative materialism to pragmatism.
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    Кантова таблиця суджень і вчення про судження в німецькій логіці хvііі століття.Юрій Федорченко - 2015 - Sententiae 32 (1):47-59.
    The article focuses on the formation of Kant's table of judgments. The author proves the dependence of Kant's table of judgments on the doctrine of judgment in German 17th century logic. The author proves the influence of George Meier’s «Auszug aus der Vernunftlehre » on formation of the Kantian doctrine of judgment and the table of judgments. This effect consists in the fact that the starting point for Kant's search of the concept of judgment was Meier's definition of judgment in (...)
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    Межі й можливості методу дослідження констеляцій.Віталій Терлецький - 2016 - Sententiae 34 (1):169-178.
    The study of Kant’s anthropology, proposed by Viktor Kozlovskyi in its original and thorough monograph, is an entirely new interpretation of Kant’s answer to the fundamental question “What is man?”. On the basis of the philosopher’s heritage and taking into account the large body of research lit-erature, Kozlovskyi reconstructs five conceptual “human models” in Kant’s anthropological discourse. However, this study contains a number of problematic statements and conclusions. I argue first, that there is some inconsistency between Kant’s understanding of the (...)
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    Післямова до лекції казимира твардовського «чому знання – це сила?».Ігор Карівець - 2016 - Sententiae 35 (2):133-141.
    The author presents the Ukrainian translation of Kazimierz Twardowski’s Lecture “Why Knowledge is Power?” which was held at the opening of the General University Lectures in L’viv on the 10th of November, 1912. In this lecture the founder of L’viv-Warsaw Philosophi-cal School considered the essence of knowledge, its types and characteristics, and emphasized the importance of philosophical knowledge, be-cause it frees a human being from false judgments and illusions.
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  19. La conduite responsable en recherche en sciences humaines et sociales.Sihem Neila Abtroun, Marie-Alexia Masella, Marie-Alexandra Gagné & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2021 - In Christian Hervé & Michèle Stanton Jean, Ethique, intégrité scientifique et fausses nouvelles. pp. 121-134.
    Jusqu’à présent, les discussions au sein de la communauté universitaire et dans la littérature scientifique sur la conduite responsable en recherche (CRR), incluant l’intégrité scientifique et l’éthique de la recherche, ont principalement été menées par les chercheurs en sciences de la santé et en sciences fondamentales. Préoccupés, à juste titre, par des problèmes d’inconduite, leurs effets négatifs sur la rigueur scientifique et la confiance du public dans l’entreprise de la recherche, ces débats ont conduit à l’élaboration et à la mise (...)
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  20.  37
    Deliberative Democracy and its Discontents.Kaveh L. Afrasiabi - 1999 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1999 (117):190-192.
    Philosophy's “linguistic turn” was destined to find its way into derivative disciplines such as political theory. In the last two decades, this turn has led to an absurd reductionism extrapolating the essence of existing democracies from their mode of communication. Flattening political theory, followers of this fashion rarely relinquish their fixation with the communicative component of modern democracies to the level of a multifaceted analysis. The central notion here is “deliberative democracy.” But is this a distinct model of democracy? For (...)
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  21. On the Reliability of Science. [REVIEW]Joseph Agassi - 2013 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 43 (1):100-115.
    Error and Inference discusses Deborah Mayo’s theory that connects the reliability of science to scientific evidence. She sees it as an essential supplement to the negative principles of critical rationalism. She and Aris Spanos, her co-editor, declare that the discussions in the book amount to tremendous progress. Yet most contributors to the book misconstrue the Socratic character of critical rationalism because they ignore a principal tenet: criticism in and of itself comprises progress, and empirical refutation comprises learning from experience. Critical (...)
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  22.  22
    The End of Fascism in Perspective.Elena Agarossi - 1998 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1998 (111):189-191.
    The first volume of Renzo De Felice's biography of Mussolini appeared in 1965. Now, after 30 years, the eighth and last volume finally appears, unfinished because of the author's death. The narrative stops in mid-1944, but the first four chapters, which had been completed with an appendix by De Felice himself and have been published by his friends and colaborators, Emilio Gentile, Giorgio Goglia and Mario Missori, constitute the first non-partisan history of the beginning of the resistence movement and the (...)
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    Bir İntihal Örneği Olarak Hafız Yahya Hilmi Kastamonî’nin Misb'hu’l-İhv'n li Taharrî Ây'ti’l-Kur’'n Adlı Eseri.İskender Şahin - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (3):1565-1590.
    : Indexes are among the important resources for studies on the Qur'ān. Owing to such works, it is possible to find easily whether a word belong to Qur'ān and in which verses or how it is used. Such works of arts, whose early examples are given by Muslim scientists, later written by orientalists and thus gave its first work of art with the help of a German Orientalist Gustavus Flügel. His accommodation of Qur'ān index blazed a trail in this field (...)
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  24. Latino vs. Hispanic.Linda Martín Alcoff - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (4):395-407.
    The politics of ethnic names, such as ‘Latino’ and ‘Hispanic’, raises legitimate issues for three reasons: because non-political considerations of descriptive adequacy are insufficient to determine absolutely the question of names; political considerations may be germane to an ethnic name’s descriptive adequacy; and naming opens up the political question of a chosen furture, to which we are accountable. The history of colonial and neo-colonial conditions structuring the relations of the North, Central and South Americas is both critical in understanding the (...)
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  25.  59
    Les guerres intimes de Lee Miller.Marianne Amar - 2004 - Clio 20.
    La photographie des deux gardiens du camp de Buchenwald, signée Lee Miller, tranche dans l’iconographie traditionnelle des camps de concentration. Photographie de combat, qui s’intéresse à l’ennemi, elle refuse la neutralité de la photographie documentaire et le style compassionnel qui privilégie les victimes depuis les années 1930. Mais cette photographie doit aussi se regarder comme un miroir. À travers la violence, la domination de l’ennemi et le voyeurisme qui sont au coeur de son dispositif, l’image dessine le portrait d’une femme (...)
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  26. Nietzsche en Cortázar.Cristina Ambrosini - 2014 - In Cristina Marta Ambrosini & Rubén Padlubne, Ficciones posibles: saberes filosóficos, semiológicos y científicos a través de la literatura. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos.
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    Computational Qualitative Economics – Using Computational Intelligence for Andvanced Learning of Economics in Knowledge Society.Ladislav Andrasik - 2015 - Creative and Knowledge Society 5 (2):1-15.
    In economics there are several complex learning themes and tasks connected with them difficult for deeper understanding of the learning subject. These are the reasons originating serious learning problems for students in the form of Virtual Environment because deeper understanding requires high level mathematical skills. Actually the most important feature for discerning this part of economics is the set of qualitative shapes emerging in discrete dynamic systems when they are undergoing iterations and/or experimentation with parameters and initial coordinates of variables. (...)
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  28. Wagering with and without Pascal.Daniel Collette & Joseph Anderson - 2018 - Res Philosophica 95 (1):95-110.
    Pascal’s wager has received the attention of philosophers for centuries. Most of its criticisms arise from how the wager is often framed. We present Pascal’s wager three ways: in isolation from any further apologetic arguments, as leading toward a regimen intended to produce belief, and finally embedded in a larger apology that includes evidence for Christianity. We find that none of the common objections apply when the wager is presented as part of Pascal’s larger project. Pascal’s wager is a successful (...)
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  29. Heideggerian Marxism. [REVIEW]Ian Angus - 2009 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 13 (1):113-136.
    An extended review of the English collection of Marcuse's essays and interviews on Heidegger that addresses the philosophical basis of a synthesis of Marx and Heidegger.
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  30. Work, recognition and subjectivity. Relocating the connection between work and social pathologies.Marco Angella - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (3):340-354.
    Recently, following the social and subjective consequences of the neoliberal wave, there seems to be a renewed interest in work as occupying a central place in social and subjective life. For the first time in decades, both sociologists and critical theorists once more again regard work as a major constituent of the subject’s identity and thus as an appropriate object of analysis for those engaged in critique of the social pathologies. The aim of this article is to present a succinct (...)
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  31. A Dialogue with Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen.Frank Ankersmit - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 11 (1):38-58.
    The discussion of Kuukkanen’s bookPostnarrativist Philosophy of Historiography is presented here in the form of a dialogue. The dialogue addresses the following five issues: 1) the kind of claims typically made in- and by the historical text, 2) narrativism and historical representation, 3) representational holism, 4) representationalism and non-representationalism and 5) the role of argument in historical writing. While agreement is within reach for the two participants in the dialogue in case of the two first issues, opinions begin to diverge (...)
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  32.  61
    The Priority of Philosophical Anthropology towards Ethics.Georgia Apostolopoulou - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:9-15.
    Philosophical anthropology, as Helmuth Plessner has explored it, vindicates its relative priority towards ethics, because it can set out the anthropological prerequisites for considering the moral subject as the embodied person. This claim, however, is still an open question. Walter Schulz has argued that the prevalence of science in contemporary life brings ethics to the fore and forces philosophical anthropology to an auxiliary exploration of ‘leading figures of thehuman’. Jürgen Habermas endorses Plessner’s exploration of the issue of the body, in (...)
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    A philosophy of mizvot: the religious-ethical concepts of Judaism, their roots in biblical law, and the oral tradition.Gersion Appel - 1975 - New York: Ktav Pub. House.
    A Philosophy of Mitzvot by Rabbi Dr. Gersion Appel sets forth the Hinnukh's objectives and his approach to revealing the religious and ethical meaning of the mitzvot. In his wide-ranging study, the author presents a comprehensive view of Jewish philosophy as developed by the Hinnukh and the classical Jewish philosophers. The Hinnukh emerges in this study as a great educator and moral and religious guide, and his classic work as a treasure-trove of Jewish knowledge, religious inspiration, and brilliant insight in (...)
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    Ad and patterns of singular cardinals below θ.Arthur Apter - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (1):225-235.
    Using Steel's recent result that assuming AD, in L[R] below Θ, κ is regular $\operatorname{iff} \kappa$ is measurable, we mimic below Θ certain earlier results of Gitik. In particular, we construct via forcing a model in which all uncountable cardinals below Θ are singular and a model in which the only regular uncountable cardinal below Θ is ℵ 1.
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    A new proof of a theorem of Magidor.Arthur W. Apter - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (3):209-211.
    We give a new proof using iterated Prikry forcing of Magidor's theorem that it is consistent to assume that the least strongly compact cardinal is the least supercompact cardinal.
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  36. Depersonalization, the experience of prosthesis, and our cosmic insignificance: The experimental phenomenology of an altered state.Andrew Apter - 1992 - Philosophical Psychology 5 (3):257-285.
    Psychogenic depersonalization is an altered mental state consisting of an unusual discontinuity in the phenomenological perception of personal being; the individual is engulfed by feelings of unreality, self-detachment and unfamiliarity in which the self is felt to lack subjective perspective and the intuitive feeling of personal embodiment. A new sub-feature of depersonalization is delineated. 'Prosthesis' consists in the thought that the thinker is a 'mere thing'. It is a subjectively realized sense of the specific and objective 'thingness' of the particular (...)
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    Indestructibility and destructible measurable cardinals.Arthur W. Apter - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (1-2):3-18.
    Say that κ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\kappa}$$\end{document}’s measurability is destructible if there exists a κ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${\kappa}$$\end{document}. It then follows that A1={δ<κ∣δ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$${A_{1} = \{\delta < \kappa \mid \delta}$$\end{document} is measurable, δ is not a limit of measurable cardinals, δ is not δ+ strongly compact, and δ’s measurability is destructible when forcing with partial orderings having rank below λδ} is unbounded (...)
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    Indestructibility and stationary reflection.Arthur W. Apter - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (3):228-236.
    If κ < λ are such that κ is a strong cardinal whose strongness is indestructible under κ -strategically closed forcing and λ is weakly compact, then we show thatA = {δ < κ | δ is a non-weakly compact Mahlo cardinal which reflects stationary sets}must be unbounded in κ. This phenomenon, however, need not occur in a universe with relatively few large cardinals. In particular, we show how to construct a model where no cardinal is supercompact up to a (...)
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    Indestructibility, instances of strong compactness, and level by level inequivalence.Arthur W. Apter - 2010 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 49 (7-8):725-741.
    Suppose λ > κ is measurable. We show that if κ is either indestructibly supercompact or indestructibly strong, then A = {δ < κ | δ is measurable, yet δ is neither δ + strongly compact nor a limit of measurable cardinals} must be unbounded in κ. The large cardinal hypothesis on λ is necessary, as we further demonstrate by constructing via forcing two models in which ${A = \emptyset}$ . The first of these contains a supercompact cardinal κ and (...)
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    Indestructible strong compactness and level by level inequivalence.Arthur W. Apter - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (4-5):371-377.
    If are such that δ is indestructibly supercompact and γ is measurable, then it must be the case that level by level inequivalence between strong compactness and supercompactness fails. We prove a theorem which points to this result being best possible. Specifically, we show that relative to the existence of cardinals such that κ1 is λ‐supercompact and λ is inaccessible, there is a model for level by level inequivalence between strong compactness and supercompactness containing a supercompact cardinal in which κ’s (...)
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    On a problem of Woodin.Arthur W. Apter - 2000 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 39 (4):253-259.
    A question of Woodin asks if $\kappa$ is strongly compact and GCH holds for all cardinals $\delta < \kappa$ , then must GCH hold everywhere. We get a negative answer to Woodin's question in the context of the negation of the Axiom of Choice.
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    Personhood and the Scope of Moral Duty.Dustin Arand - 2017 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 25 (2):119-139.
    In this essay I craft a procedure for evaluating claims of moral personhood that would allow us to answer ethical questions raised by issues like abortion, animal rights, artificial intelligence, etc. I focus specifically on the abortion debate as a case study for applying my procedure. I argue that our moral instincts have evolved to promote group cohesion, a necessary prerequisite of which is reliable identification of other group members. These are “persons” in the moral sense of the word. However, (...)
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    ‘Subjects to be dealt with’: Disability, class, and carceral power in early 20th-century Britain.Margarita Aragon - forthcoming - History of the Human Sciences.
    In this article, I will examine the category ‘subject to be dealt with’, which was established by the 1913 Mental Deficiency Act. Designed to demonstrate the legislation's respect for individual liberty, the boundaries of the category established the grounds on which authorities had the responsibility to act upon those deemed to be ‘mentally defective’. In essence, ‘subject to be dealt with’ became the supposedly rational, measured qualifying category through which the condemnation of ‘defect’ could be operationalized. In both its actual (...)
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    Kolmogorov and Kuroda Translations Into Basic Predicate Logic.Mohammad Ardeshir & Wim Ruitenburg - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    Kolmogorov established the principle of the double negation translation by which to embed Classical Predicate Logic |${\operatorname {CQC}}$| into Intuitionistic Predicate Logic |${\operatorname {IQC}}$|⁠. We show that the obvious generalizations to the Basic Predicate Logic of [3] and to |${\operatorname {BQC}}$| of [12], a proper subsystem of |${\operatorname {IQC}}$|⁠, go through as well. The obvious generalizations of Kuroda’s embedding are shown to be equivalent to the Kolmogorov variant. In our proofs novel nontrivial techniques are needed to overcome the absence of (...)
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    Danièle Haase-Dubosc & Marie-Elisabeth Henneau (dir.) Revisiter la « querelle des femmes ». Discours sur l’égalité/i.Isabelle Brouard Arends - 2014 - Clio 39.
    L’ouvrage dirigé par D. Haase-Dubosc et M.-E. Henneau s’inscrit à la suite de la publication d’un premier volume consacré aux périodes pré- et post-révolutionnaires. Les deux volumes sont issus de colloques menés depuis 2008 à l’instigation de la SIEFAR dont l’objectif est d’inclure la question du genre dans l’approche des sociétés anciennes, avec une volonté forte de pluridisciplinarité en un croisement des points de vue et des bases documentaires. L’ensemble des onze articles couvre la péri...
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    On Art, Science, Metaphors, and Ghosts: A Few Thoughts to Share.James R. Averill - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (1):88-89.
    The sharing of emotional experiences, whether in face-to-face interactions or anonymously through written communications, can influence a person's psychological and physical well-being. The mediating mechanisms are, however, poorly understood. The present comment concerns ambiguities that may result when concepts from ordinary language, such as emotion, cognition, and related metaphors, are applied to presumed mediating mechanisms.
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  47. The “Crucial Step”.Andrés Ayala - 2017 - The Incarnate Word 4 (1):162-190.
    Here the point of departure of Being and Time is criticized, i.e. the priority of Dasein in the determination of the meaning of being. An overview of Heidegger’s doctrine is offered, his concern for intentionality is acknowledged, then it takes place a critique of his starting point, and finally a Thomistic alternative account of intentionality is proposed.
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    Transcriação e Antropofagia: fertilidades nos campos de Haroldo e em outros campos.Vânia Dutra de Azeredo - 2024 - Cadernos Nietzsche 45 (1):e184477.
    In this article, we aim, on one hand, to analyze Haroldo de Campos› theoretical reflections on translation as transcreation based on the transcreative practice presented by the poet. On the other hand, we will present the peculiarities of Nietzsche›s text while establishing a connection between thought and life, form and content, writing and blood, aiming to verify to what extent Nietzsche›s texts do not refer their readers to a parallel and autonomous creation, even if reciprocal, meeting the perspective proposed by (...)
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    Homo Deus.Nur Azizah, Jauharul Habibi, Galuh Maria & Muhammad Aula Rahmad Shuhada - 2024 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 10 (2):251-268.
    This article discusses Islam and homo deus as a new agenda for humanity’s future. This article tries to explain the reading of homo deus and the problems of humanity in the future. Likewise, regarding the issue of immortality and human happiness in the future from an Islamic perspective. This article tries to analyze the problem using the library research model in carrying out an analysis of the main problem. Humans to fight death and the problems that humans expect in the (...)
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    Influences of Turkism on Azerbaijani Literary Thinking.Sakhavat Azizov & Bahtiyar Aslan - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (4):122-133.
    The emergence of Turkism in Azerbaijani literature occurred after the rise of literary Turkism in Ottoman Turkey, where it first developed and flourished. Although ideas of Turkification or a return to Turkism, as proposed by Ottoman thinkers, writers, and educators, initially sparked debate, over time these ideas evolved into an ideology and eventually a well-established concept. Unlike political Turkism, literary Turkism gained widespread acceptance among the people through the works of writers and poets, who awakened national feelings and patriotism. The (...)
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